I hate television. I dislike it in general, and I specifically hate it as it relates to parenting. If Wess would allow it, I'd have cut off the cable months ago. Since that's not possible, I try not to turn it on at all during the day (which works fine when Wess is working, not so well otherwise). When Wess insists on plopping Tris down in front of the T.V. - which is pretty much any time that I'm busy with housework, cooking, etc. - I give in to the inevitable, but hold hard and fast to a couple of rules:
1) Absolutely no programs that required large quantities of strong hallucinogenic drugs in any stage of their creation (Have you ever heard of a show called Yo Gabba Gabba? I rest my case.)
2) When possible, only channels that do not have commercials (PBS Kids, Treehouse, you get the idea). However, I waive this rule in deference to rule #1.)
The other night, when Tristin had refused to go to bed at a decent hour and I was trying to tidy the living room this show came on. I have decided that I love it, and am recording all the episodes until my DVR is full. If Wess insists on letting Tristin watch television, at least it will be cute, funny, imaginative, intelligent, and narrated with impeccable grammar and diction!
Perfect Day to Say Goodbye
1 year ago
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