Saturday, May 15, 2010

On Miscellany.

Yes, I'm bad, I haven't updated in ages. So here's a smorg:

  • Tristin still refuses to walk when I can see him, but has now walked for his dad AND his auntie Cath.
  • Tristin is now all-out refusing to go to bed without me, and as a result I either have to let him stay up until eleven, or go to bed myself at nine. Either way, I no longer get any time to myself at all. This is not my favourite phase ever.
  • I have learned two things: one, that it's probably not a good idea to put a one-year-old's entire dinner on his high-chair-tray all at once. Two: My son REALLY likes green beans, and can fit about 25 of them in his mouth at the same time.
  • Instant karma is fabulous. On my way to help out a friend (who really, really needed it), I stopped at the drive-thru for a coffee - which the lady in front of me paid for.
  • The hunt for a job continues. The less said on that, the better.

I'm having a pretty rough time of it, all in all; it's beginning to feel a lot like everything I try, I fail at. In a big, big way.

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing mother who I am blessed to know! Have faith that all will work the way it's meant to! I love you!!
