Saturday, February 6, 2010

On Teething.

I hate teething. Tristin has his 2 bottom teeth now, and is currently aspiring towards his first top one; he is miserable much of the time, and cranky the rest of it. Only a few months ago I hated the idea of drugging my child into submission; now, I reach for the Advil drops without hesitation. I hate for my poor guy to be in so much pain. And, of course, there's the other problem: the biting.

Now, my kid is not a biter. Anything he picks up tends to gravitate towards his mouth, including mummy's fingers, toes, eyebrows, or whatever. But he doesn't bite the way some children do - with deliberate, malicious intent. His new teeth just inevitably end up on or in whatever he was taste-testing. Including, on a couple of occasions, mummy's nipples - although it's only happened a couple of times, and not for several weeks now. However, as much as I wish for that top tooth to pop through and stop plaguing him quite so much, I also dread it - what'll happen to my poor breasts when he's got top chompers too?

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